Branch of Theoretical Sciences

The Theoretical Sciences branch was established since the beginning of the college’s founding in 2019. The branch aims to provide students with theoretical information related to the sciences of physical education and sports and related sciences such as sports psychology, biomechanics, sports medicine, sports training science, motor learning, human rights issues, democracy, testing and measurement, statistics, scientific research, the English language, management and organization, and the philosophy of the history of sports education. Thus, the student will be familiar with this aspect. Knowledge of mathematical sciences helps in practical and non-practical applications as well as serving the college and university.

Vision and Message

The Theoretical Sciences branch seeks to be distinguished in the field of creativity and to create a generation of physical education teaching that transmits and develops information outside the college in intellectual excellence that is open to society, its customs and traditions, and to keep pace with development in the field of physical education.
Striving to invest theoretical sciences in practical applications in a creative and innovative manner using modern technology, spreading sports culture and raising sports awareness among members of society.


  • The branch’s programs enable students to develop their talent and scientific ideas and meet the needs of society and the governorate in particular.
  • Continuous scientific development of faculty members in the branch through their participation in scientific conferences and specialized courses and the provision of studies and research that increase their potential in their field of specialization.
  • Support and encourage cooperation with other branches and corresponding colleges in the field of scientific research.
  • Providing students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in theoretical sciences and learn about the correct aspects of scientific research.
  • Instilling confidence in students, directing them to participate in scientific and sports activities inside and outside the branch, and translating these values into behavioral patterns acceptable to them.
  • Providing a high and distinguished level of teaching for the bachelor’s level and using innovative teaching methods.
  • Benefiting from modern technologies and assisting scientific methods, introducing them into the prescribed curricula and consolidating their concepts among students, so that they are prepared to adapt to the developments they face in their field of specialization.
  • Preparing specialists in the field of physical education.
  • Providing everything new and useful in the field of knowledge in accordance with quality standards and academic accreditation.

Contact Us

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